Verifica con la siguiente solución que hayas realizado correctamente este
ejercicio sobre
Voz Pasiva:
- The new songs were sung by Britney Spears.
- The speech was being listened carefully by the ladies.
- A good salary is got by my father.
- One of his books was lent to me by the boss.
- The bill was not paid by him.
- A new car is going to be bought by my neighbour.
- My umbrella had been lost by me when it began to rain.
- The pencils were being looked for by Alice.
- A picture will be hung on the wall by me.
- Your letters have not been answered by Susan.

- An expensive picture was broken by Amy Winehouse at the hotel.
- The yoghurt was kept in the refrigerator by Tom’s mother.
- The best garden in town is had by Mrs. Thompson.
- The parcel will be sent inmediately by us.
- A bottle of beer was brought by the waiter.
- A bag full of money was being carried by the truck.
- The text had been read in class by the students.
- The dinner were being enjoyed at the restaurant by us.
- The invitation for my birthday party has been accepted by Sally.
- The question was repeated several times by him.