Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense) (3)

¿Ya has completado estas oraciones con el verbo en Pasado Perfecto?… Verifica tus respuestas con la siguiente solución. No olvides luego reescribirlas en su forma interrogativa y negativa:

    1. Astronauts had flown through space for hours.
      Had astronauts flown through space for hours?
      Astronauts had not flown through space for hours.
    1. The boys had stolen the bicycles.
      Had the boys stolen the bicycles?
      The boys had not stolen the bicycles.
    1. They had had a long and uncomfortable trip.
      Had they had a long and uncomfortable trip?
      They had not had a long and uncomfortable trip.
    1. The beggar had found five bottles of beer.
      Had the beggar found five bottles of beer?
      The beggar had not found five bottles of beer.
    1. He had showed me the content of the parcel.
      Had he showed me the content of the parcel?
      He had not showed me the content of the parcel.
    1. My sister Ann had begun her diet a week ago.
      Had my sister Ann begun her diet a week ago?
      My sister Ann had not begun her diet a week ago.
    1. She had thought a good idea.
      Had she thought a good idea?
      She had not thought a good idea.
    1. The postman had delivered my letter.
      Had the postman delivered my letter?
      The postman had not delivered my letter?
    1. He had retired from political life.
      Had he retired from political life?
      He had not retired from political life.
  1. Alice had left her bag on a chair.
    Had Alice left her bag on a chair?
    Alice had not left her bag on a chair.

    1. She had bought a new pair of red shoes.
      Had she bought a new pair of red shoes?
      She had not bought a new pair of red shoes.
    1. We had had lunch at a village inn.
      Had we had lunch at a village inn?
      We had not had lunch at a village inn.
    1. He had drunk whisky before dinner.
      Had he drunk whisky before dinner?
      He had not drunk whisky before dinner.
    1. My sister had lost U$S 50 in the street.
      Had my sister lost U$S 50 in the street?
      My sister had not lost U$S 50 in the street.
    1. The children had kicked a ball very hard.
      Had the children kicked a ball very hard?
      The children had not kicked a ball very hard.
    1. My mother had received a letter from Canada.
      Had my mother received a letter from Canada?
      My mother had not received a letter from Canada.
    1. My father had given me some money.
      Had my father given me some money?
      My father had not given me some money.
    1. Jenny had finished her job at the office.
      Had Jenny finished her job at the office?
      Jenny had not finished her job at the office.
    1. They had enjoyed Roy’s party.
      Had they enjoyed Roy’s party?
      They had not enjoyed Roy’s party.
  1. Pupils had learnt the English lesson.
    Had pupils learnt the English lesson?
    The pupils had not learnt the English lesson.